I wrote the following letter to the Morrison County Record this week . . . Dear Editor: Recently Donald Trump has been saying how evil socialism is. He says he opposes socialism and that it won’t come to America on his watch. But do you believe that a free high school education is socialism? I do! And I think we need more socialism like that in this country. We need free college education for all Americans. Educating our children and young adults will be a good investment in our great countries future. Lets make America great again by giving our young people a great education. When the socialistic GI bill educated veterans we had a tremendous spurt of economic growth when those young people entered the economy. Do you believe Soial Security is socialistic? I do! And we need to expand it. Do you believe Medicare is socialistic? I do! And we need Medicare for all. Socialism has been good for America. We need more of it - not less. Democratic Socialists of America a ht...