It was a good day for Minnesota and the nation when the voters of the 5th Congressional District elected State Representative Ilhan Omar to represent them in the United States Congress. Representative Omar is a bright and charismatic young leader who has the interests of all her constituents, and all Americans, at heart. Take for example her legislation known as the College for All Act. The College for All Act would eliminate tuition and fees at all public four-year colleges and universities, as well as make community colleges, trade schools, and apprenticeship programs tuition free for all. The proposal also eliminates all $1.6 trillion in student debt for 45 million Americans. “That’s 45 million people who are being held back from purchasing their first home; 45 million people who may feel that they can’t start a family; 45 million people who have dreams of opening a business or going into public service, but are held back,” Omar said when the bill was int...