The Washington Post released an article on Wednesday of this week with this headline: “President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days”. A week earlier the Toronto Star printed an article entitled, “Donald Trump has said 2083 false things as U.S. president”. Even though the two newspapers don’t agree on the shear vastness of Trumps lies, errors, and ignorant mistatements I’m mortified that a Canadian newspaper finds it necessary to count them. Pinocchio as played by the Italian actor Toto - Photo from Wikipedia Counting “false things”, whether they are lies or simply ignorant statements, matters according to the two newspapers. Here’s what the Toronto Star says: “We’ve had presidents that have lied or misled the country, but we’ve never had a serial liar before. And that’s what we’re dealing with here,” Douglas Brinkley , the prominent Rice University presidential historian, told the Star last December 17th. “We haven’t seen anything like this. It’s...